Ƴan bindiga sun kashe mutum biyar a jihar Filato

Afghan military personnel walk near the airport during fighting between Taliban militants and Afghan security forces in Kunduz on October 1, 2015. Afghan forces pushed into the centre of Kunduz on October 1, triggering pitched gunfights as they sought to flush out Taliban insurgents who held the northern city for three days in a stinging blow to the country's NATO-trained military The stunning fall of the provincial capital, even temporarily, highlighted the stubborn insurgency's potential to expand beyond its rural strongholds in the south of the country Afghan forces, hindered by the slow arrival of reinforcements but backed by NATO special forces and US air support, struggled to regain control of the city after three days of heavy fighting. AFP PHOTO / Wakil Kohsar

Rahotanni daga jihar Filato na bayyana cewa wasu da ake zargin ƴan bindiga ne sun hallaka mutum biyar a karamar hukumar Bokkos na jihar.

Lamarin wanda ya faru a ranar Lahadi da daddare na zuwa ne kwanaki 11 bayan kai hari makamancinsa a karamar hukumar tare da kashe mutum bakwai.

an ruwaito cewa shugaban ƙungiyar ci gaban al’ummar Bokkos, Farmasum Fuddang, ya tabbatar da faruwar lamarin da kuma yin Alla-wadai da shi.

Ya ce an yi mutanen da aka kashen kwantan ɓauna lokacin da suke balaguro daga garin Mbar zuwa kauyen Koh na jihar.

Ƴan bindigar sun je ne a kan babura inda suka yi wa garin dirar mikiya da misalin karfe 7 na yammaci.

Fuddang ya soki jami’an tsaro saboda rashin mayar da martani a kan lokaci, inda ya ce kafin zuwarsu maharan sun riga da sun tsere.

Ya kuma nuna damuwar cewa irin waɗannan hare-hare da ake kai wa za su iya ɗaiɗaita al’ummomin yankin gabaki ɗaya.

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